How to Destroy a Computer Hard Drive

Whether you’re a business owner safeguarding proprietary data or an individual concerned about personal privacy, securely disposing of old hard drives is essential. Simply deleting files or formatting a drive doesn’t guarantee the data is irretrievable. Blancco IT did a study with 159 hard drives bought off eBay. 66 of them still had some type of data on them and 25 of these had PII.  Therefore, proper hard drive destruction is necessary to ensure that your information remains inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. In this guide, we’ll explore effective methods for destroying a computer hard drive, providing you with peace of mind and safeguarding your valuable data. How to Destroy a Computer Hard Drive the Right Way 1. Physical Destruction: Physical […]

How to Recycle a Tablet

More than 1.28 billion people use tablets in the world today. With the rise of these devices came a decrease in their lifespan. The average lifespan dropped from 7 to 5 years, leaving hundreds of thousands to be disposed of each year. But what happens when it’s time to bid farewell to our trusty tablets? Recycling tablets is crucial for reducing electronic waste and preserving our environment. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to recycle your tablet responsibly, ensuring it’s properly disposed of and its components are repurposed or recycled efficiently. How to Recycle Your Tablet Step 1: Backup Your Data Before parting ways with your tablet, it’s essential to back up any important data you may […]

How to Destroy an External Hard Drive

The security of our personal and sensitive data is crucial in this era of digital transformation. With external hard drives serving as convenient storage solutions for large amounts of information, it’s imperative to understand the proper methods of destroying them when you no longer need them. Whether you’re upgrading to a new device or simply looking to dispose of an old external hard drive, ensuring that the data stored on it is irretrievable is important to safeguarding your privacy. The Risks of Improper Disposal Simply tossing an old external hard drive into the trash may seem like a quick solution, but it poses serious risks. Discarded drives can end up in the wrong hands, and data recovery tools are becoming […]

Exploring Various Hard Drive Destruction Methods

As technology advances, so do the threats to data security. When it comes to retiring old hard drives or disposing of obsolete computer equipment, ensuring that confidential information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands becomes a critical concern. Blancco Technology Group reported that 42% of hard drives they purchased on eBay had sensitive data still on them despite the seller insisting they used proper sanitization methods. This blog will delve into various hard drive destruction methods, exploring the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision about protecting your data. 1. Physical Destruction or Shredding: Physical destruction and shredding involves physically breaking or disassembling the hard drive, rendering it inoperable. Professionals feed the hard drive through […]

How to Recycle Old Cell Phones

It’s no surprise that technology evolves at a rapid rate. As a result, we frequently find ourselves upgrading to newer and more advanced cell phones. While it’s exciting to have the latest gadgets, it’s equally important to consider what happens to our old devices. Discarding them in the trash can harm the environment. Unfortunately, it was estimated that 5.3 billion phones were thrown away in 2022. Knowing how to recycle old cell phones is a responsible and eco-friendly choice.  Before you retire your trusty smartphone for the latest model, let’s explore the path of responsible disposal and recycling. Your actions can make a substantial difference in preserving our planet for generations to come. In this blog, we’ll explore why recycling […]

IT Recycling for Security and E-Waste Reduction

A company’s IT department is responsible for maintaining technology through its whole lifecycle. This commonly includes troubleshooting onboarding, technology setup, or, too often, asking if a coworker had restarted their computer to see if it solved the problem. However, the end of a piece of technology’s life cycle can not be solved with a simple restart. That requires recycling, and IT is often tasked with ensuring the safe disposal of the technology and its data.  The Importance of IT Recycling  While individuals should recycle their computers, phones, and other electronics to help reduce e-waste, the scale of the job for IT departments makes an effective recycling process even more crucial. When upgrading or replacing old systems, this often means hundreds […]

Data Destruction Certificate: What is it, and Why is it Important?

A data destruction certificate, also referred to as a Certificate of Destruction, is a crucial part of the technology destruction or recycling process. The certificate guarantees that all of the data on a piece of technology was properly destroyed.  With data breaches and cyber crimes on the rise, this guarantee is more important than ever.  What is a Data Destruction Certificate? The actual data destruction certificate differs based on the company doing the work. However, most follow the template set below. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides a framework for best practices in media and data destruction.  The certificate typically contains the person and provider performing the service, information about the type of media they’re destroying, a […]

Remote Work E-Waste: Sustainable and Secure Solutions

Remote and hybrid work launched as a grand experiment as offices closed down due to the pandemic. A few weeks out of the office turned into months and years. Now, for many workers, a remote or hybrid workspace is the new normal. While remote work was a success for many, it’s also created a new problem. E-waste from remote work is now piling up in concerning amounts.  Workers sent home often required new technology, or had to bring office equipment with them. With computer life cycles typically around 3-5 years, it’s more than likely that much of that equipment sourced at the beginning of the pandemic is reaching its end. And with workers reliant on well-functioning technology now more than […]

Secure Data Destruction Through E-Recycling

Technology is everywhere in our personal and professional lives. Some professionals have work phones, some have work laptops, and some might even use their personal computers. While that technology will age out, the data stored on it won’t. Secure data destruction is crucial to keep that information out of the wrong hands. For criminals and bad actors, that data can be a gold mine. An old laptop, phone, or tablet typically contains a wealth of personal and professional information. If that data is stolen, it can lead to identity theft and data breaches. In a worst case scenario, stolen data can compromise the security of your business or family.  The risk is real, and even affects some of the world’s […]